Determining which country has “less” internet can depend on various factors such as internet penetration rate, infrastructure development, and government policies. Generally, countries with lower levels of economic development and infrastructure may have less widespread internet access. Additionally, regions experiencing conflict, political instability, or geographical challenges may also face obstacles to internet connectivity.
Some of the countries that historically have had lower levels of internet penetration and infrastructure development include:
- Sub-Saharan African Countries: Many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa face challenges related to infrastructure, economic development, and political instability, which can hinder internet access. However, internet penetration rates have been steadily increasing in the region in recent years.
- Central Asian Republics: Countries in Central Asia, such as Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, have relatively low levels of internet penetration due to factors such as authoritarian governance, limited infrastructure, and geographic isolation.
- Pacific Island Nations: Some small island nations in the Pacific Ocean have limited internet connectivity due to their remote locations, small populations, and infrastructure challenges. Connectivity issues can hinder economic development and access to information in these countries.
- North Korea: North Korea has one of the most restricted and controlled internet infrastructures in the world. The vast majority of the population has no access to the global internet and instead relies on a highly censored and tightly controlled domestic intranet.
- Myanmar (Burma): Despite recent advancements, Myanmar has historically had limited internet access due to factors such as political repression, underdeveloped infrastructure, and government censorship. Internet shutdowns and restrictions have been used by the government as a means of controlling information and suppressing dissent.
It’s essential to note that internet access can vary significantly within countries, with urban areas generally having better connectivity compared to rural or remote regions. Additionally, efforts to improve internet access, such as investment in infrastructure and policies to promote digital inclusion, can lead to significant changes in internet penetration rates over time.